Psalm 98

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Image generated from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of Vibrant, joyful creation singing praises, clapping hands, and roaring seas in awe of the Lord's salvation.'

Image generated from Dall.e prompt ‘An expressive oil painting of Vibrant, joyful creation singing praises, clapping hands, and roaring seas in awe of the Lord’s salvation.’


There once was a song of great joy
For the Lord had worked wonders, oh boy!
He showed his salvation
To every nation
And all the earth sang to employ

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Potential actions to take in response

One practical way to respond to the teaching of Psalm 98 is to incorporate it into your daily prayer and worship. Take some time each day to read and meditate on the words of this passage, allowing the message to sink in and resonate with you on a personal level. As you reflect on the themes of joy, praise, and God’s faithfulness, use this time to express your own gratitude and adoration towards God.

Additionally, consider using the words of Psalm 98 as a source of inspiration for creating your own songs or hymns of praise. You can set the words to music or simply use them as a starting point for expressing your own feelings of joy and thanksgiving to God.

Another practical response is to share the message of Psalm 98 with others. You can create opportunities to discuss and reflect on the passage with friends, family, or fellow believers. By sharing the message of joy and praise found in this Psalm, you can encourage others to join you in praising God and celebrating His faithfulness.

Overall, by incorporating the teaching of Psalm 98 into your daily life through prayer, worship, and sharing with others, you can actively respond to the message of joy, praise, and thanksgiving that the passage conveys.

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Related passages

Themes: Praise, salvation, righteousness, joy, victory, God’s faithfulness, all creation praising God, coming of the Lord.

Related passages:
1. Psalm 96:1-13 – Similar themes of praising God, declaring his glory among the nations, and rejoicing in his salvation.
2. Isaiah 12:2-6 – Joyfully drawing water from the wells of salvation, giving thanks to the Lord and proclaiming his deeds among the nations.
3. Revelation 19:1-9 – All creation praising God for his righteous judgments, rejoicing and giving him glory for the marriage of the Lamb.

Each passage shares themes of praising God, rejoicing in his salvation, and declaring his glory among the nations.

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