Matthew 5.1-12

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Image generated from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of The sun shining brightly on the mountaintop, Jesus standing surrounded by disciples as he speaks of a new Kingdom of God of love and mercy.'

Image generated from Dall.e prompt ‘An expressive oil painting of The sun shining brightly on the mountaintop, Jesus standing surrounded by disciples as he speaks of a new Kingdom of God of love and mercy.’


There once was a man from Galilee
Who taught us a sermon so free
On how to be blessed
And put God to the test
His words we should live faithfully.

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Potential actions to take in response

One practical way to respond to the teaching of bible passage Matthew 5.1-12 is by living out the Beatitudes in our daily lives. The Beatitudes, found in verses 3-12, are a series of blessings that Jesus spoke about for those who live with godly character. Practically speaking, this means living a life of humility, meekness, pureness, and mercy. For example, we can strive to be humble and not boast or think too highly of ourselves, meek and not be quick to anger, pure in heart and mind (free from lust and pride), and merciful in all our dealings with others. We can also seek justice and peace, and comfort those who mourn. In summary, living the Beatitudes practically means allowing Jesus to transform our hearts so that our attitudes, words, and actions will reflect His love and grace.

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Related passages

Themes: Fulfilling the law, righteousness, humility.
Bible Passages: 1 John 3:7-8 – Related as it speaks of loving one another and keeping God’s commandments; James 2:14-17 – Related as it speaks of faith being shown through action; Proverbs 20:28 – Related as it speaks of being honest in all dealings.

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