Mark 10.17-31

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Image generated by AI from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of A wealthy man kneels before Jesus, who gestures towards a narrow gate, with disciples watching in amazement.'

Image generated by AI from Dall.e prompt ‘An expressive oil painting of A wealthy man kneels before Jesus, who gestures towards a narrow gate, with disciples watching in amazement.’


There once was a rich man from Galilee
Who asked Jesus, “What must I do to be free?”
He was told to give all his wealth away
And follow the Lord without delay
For it’s easier for a camel through a needle to flee

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Potential actions to take in response

One practical way to respond to the teaching of Mark 10.17-31 is to examine our priorities and consider what truly holds value in our lives. Take some time to reflect on the things that we prioritize, such as possessions, wealth, or status, and evaluate if these things are bringing us true fulfillment and happiness. Consider making adjustments to our priorities and focus on building meaningful relationships, investing in experiences that bring joy and purpose, and finding ways to give back to others in need. This could include volunteering our time or resources to help those less fortunate, or simply being more intentional about showing kindness and compassion towards others. By re-evaluating our priorities and making small changes in our daily actions, we can align ourselves with the values of generosity, humility, and love that are taught in this passage.

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Related passages

Themes: Wealth, entering the kingdom of God, sacrifice, humility, and the difficulty for the rich to enter the kingdom.

Related passages:
1. Matthew 19:16-30 – Jesus tells a rich young man to sell his possessions and follow him.
2. Luke 18:18-30 – A rich ruler asks Jesus how to inherit eternal life and is told to sell everything.
3. 1 Timothy 6:17-19 – Paul warns against the love of money and encourages generosity and sharing.

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