John 1.43-end

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Image generated from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of Two men follow Jesus and ask where he is staying, then become his disciples and spread the word.'

Image generated from Dall.e prompt ‘An expressive oil painting of Two men follow Jesus and ask where he is staying, then become his disciples and spread the word.’


In Galilee a man named Nathanael
Was found by Philip, all is well
Jesus saw him under the fig tree
And knew he was honest and free
So he followed the Lord and all was swell

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Potential actions to take in response

One practical way to respond to the teaching of the Bible passage John 1:43-end is to follow the example of Philip and Nathanael in their immediate response to Jesus’ call. In this passage, we see that Philip immediately responds to Jesus’ invitation to follow him, and then he goes and tells Nathanael about Jesus. Similarly, Nathanael responds with an open heart and a willingness to follow Jesus, despite his initial skepticism.

We can apply this by being open and responsive to Jesus’ call in our own lives. This may involve actively seeking out Jesus and spending time in prayer and reflection, as well as being open to the opportunities that come our way to share the good news of Jesus with others. Just as Philip and Nathanael were willing to take a leap of faith and follow Jesus, we can also respond with a sense of urgency and purpose in our own journey of faith.

Additionally, we can also strive to approach Jesus with an open heart, like Nathanael, and be willing to set aside our doubts and preconceived notions in order to truly encounter and follow Jesus. By responding in these ways, we can live out the teachings of this passage and grow in our relationship with Jesus.

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Related passages

Themes: Jesus’ identity, discipleship, belief, fulfillment of prophecy, Nathanael’s skepticism, Jesus’ knowledge.

Related passages:
1. Matthew 16:13-20 – Peter’s confession of Jesus as the Messiah, similar to Nathanael’s realization of Jesus’ identity.
2. John 20:24-29 – Thomas’ doubt and subsequent belief in Jesus’ resurrection, paralleling Nathanael’s initial skepticism.
3. Isaiah 53:1-12 – Prophecy of the suffering servant, foreshadowing Jesus’ fulfillment of prophecy mentioned in John 1.45.

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