Exodus 20.1-17

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Image generated by AI from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of God appeared in a cloud and gave Moses the Ten Commandments on two stone tablets amidst thunder and lightning.'

Image generated by AI from Dall.e prompt ‘An expressive oil painting of God appeared in a cloud and gave Moses the Ten Commandments on two stone tablets amidst thunder and lightning.’


God gave us commandments to heed
On stone tablets they were decreed
No other gods, no stealing or lying
Honoring parents and not coveting
These laws are what we must take heed

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Potential actions to take in response

One practical way to respond to the teaching of Exodus 20.1-17 is to reflect on how these principles can be applied in our everyday lives. For example, the commandment to “honor your father and mother” can be practiced by showing respect and appreciation for our parents, even in small ways like checking in on them regularly or helping them with chores. The commandment to not steal can be applied by being honest in our dealings with others, such as returning extra change given to us by mistake.

Additionally, we can consider how these principles contribute to creating a more just and harmonious society. For instance, the commandment to not bear false witness against our neighbor can encourage us to speak up against injustice and stand up for the truth, even when it may be difficult.

Ultimately, reflecting on these teachings can lead us to make positive changes in our behavior and interactions with others, contributing to a more ethical and compassionate community.

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Related passages

Themes: Ten Commandments, God’s laws, worshiping only Him, honoring parents, not stealing, lying, or coveting.

Related Bible passages:
1. Deuteronomy 5:6-21 – Reiteration of the Ten Commandments as a reminder for the Israelites.
2. Matthew 22:34-40 – Jesus summarizes the commandments as loving God and loving others.
3. Romans 13:8-10 – Paul emphasizes the importance of fulfilling the commandments through love for one another.

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