Category: Romans

  • Romans 12.9-end

    Image generated from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of Serving selflessly like Jesus, freely love people; honoring God & others with all your heart.'

    Let love be true and sincere
    Serving God with all you fear
    Love your neighbor as yourself
    This will bring you peace and health
    Be devoted to one another in faithfulness, so clear

  • Romans 12.1-8

    Image generated from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of A sin-soaked body, redeemed and transformed into a living sacrifice, eagerly giving of its gifts for the Lord.'

    There once was a man so wise
    His faith would reach up to the skies
    He’d offer his heart
    And make a new start
    To serve with his whole life and size

  • Romans 11.102a, 29-32,

    Image generated from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of A tree of life, with redeemed branches grafted back, nourished by faith, hope and love; for God's glory.'

    The Lord’s chosen are few,
    He has mercy on those who fear him too.
    The gifts and the call of God are irrevocable,
    His justice is sure and unchangeable.
    He will have mercy on whom he will have mercy,
    And his wrath is on all who deny.

  • Romans 10.5-15

    Image generated from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of Jesus is the bridge between heaven and earth, ready to carry us home.'

    A righteous man’s heart is true
    He does not turn away from God
    The word of the Lord will guide him
    To bring salvation on high
    If you believe, you’ll be heard

  • Romans 8.26-end

    Image generated from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of An army of unseen help, like a cheering crowd, encircle us with strength and love.'

    The Spirit helps us in our plight,
    It intercedes with God on high;
    It pleads for us with groans of might,
    Though we don’t know just what to cry.

    God knows our need and hears our plea,
    He answers us in ways unseen;
    We can trust Him to set us free,
    For He loves us and will intervene.

  • Romans 8.12-25

    Image generated from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of A bright sun radiates spiritual hope and freedom, melting the chill of sin, and shining a path of God's grace and love.' in 7.9439809322357 seconds, which in turn was generated by the text-davinci-003 model from OpenAI

    There once was a man from the gospels
    Whose life was a mix of highs and lows
    He was led by the Spirit
    Though his path was not clear it
    He knew it would lead him where he should go

  • Romans 8.1-11

    Image generated from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of The Spirit is freedom: liberating us from the law, sin and death, bringing us peace and life beyond measure.' in 8.0783040523529 seconds, which in turn was generated by the text-davinci-003 model from OpenAI

    There once was a man who was free
    From the law of sin and of death
    He found his salvation
    Through the power of grace
    And his faith in Jesus’ last breath

  • Romans 7.15-25a

    Image generated from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of My desire to do good shackled by my inescapable desire to sin, a never-ending struggle.' in 8.13338804245 seconds, which in turn was generated by the text-davinci-003 model from OpenAI

    A man of the law I was bound
    But I found myself in a muddle
    My flesh was so strong
    My spirit so wrong
    I was stuck in a terrible puddle

  • Romans 6.12-end

    Image generated from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of A prison cell locked up tight; freedom on the other side, but the key still out of reach.' in 13.286911010742 seconds, which in turn was generated by the text-davinci-003 model from OpenAI

    There once was a man who was free
    From sin and its chains he was freed
    He now had a choice
    To follow the Lord’s voice
    And no longer be bound by his greed

  • Romans 6.1-11

    Image generated from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of We are freed from slavery to sin: alive in Christ, we stand rooted with Him in baptismal grace.' in 8.3111791610718 seconds, which in turn was generated by the text-davinci-003 model from OpenAI

    A life of sin can bring us woe
    But if we choose a different road
    We’ll be set free from sin’s control
    And we can live a life made whole
    For this is what the Lord has showed