Category: Revelation
Revelation 7.9-end
From every tongue and nation,
A great multitude was shown,
These people stood before the throne,
With white robes and golden crowns,
The Lamb was their salvation. -
Revelation 2.8-11
A church in Smyrna was quite distressed
For false prophets had caused it unrest
The Lord said to them,
“Be steadfast and stem
And I’ll give you the crown of the best!” -
Revelation 2.1-7
A church in Ephesus, so wise
They had toiled away with no guise
But Jesus knew their deeds
And the truth he did see
For they had forsaken his cries -
Revelation 1.10-18
I heard a voice that shook the air
Like thunder, loud and grand
It said to me, “Write what I say
In letters made of sand”
I saw seven golden candlesticks
And one who held them all
His eyes like flames of fire, his face
As white as snowflakes fall