Category: Psalm
Psalm 69.8-11
There once was a man who’d been wronged
His foes had done him great wrong
He cried to the Lord
For help to afford
And his troubles were gone in a song -
Psalm 100
The Lord is great, and justly so,
His name is praised wherever we go.
His faithfulness is ever sure,
His truth remains forever pure.
Let us praise Him with a joyful shout! -
Psalm 112
A man of God who was quite wise
Said, “Blessed is the man who will rise
His delight will be in the Lord’s law
He will meditate day and night
And be blessed in all he does right -
Psalm 8
A psalm of praise to the Lord
Is what David sang in accord
The Lord is so great
He can’t be debated
So sing to Him, and be adored -
Psalm 104.26-36, 37
The Lord is so wise and so great
He has the sea and the land in his hands
He gives the clouds their place
And the lightning its trace
The Lord’s work is so grand and so grand! -
Psalm 68.1-10, 32-end
God’s glory is seen in the sky
His power and strength can never die
His love for us is forever true
His justice is something we must pursue
From Him comes mercy and grace so sweet,
No one can ever His love defeat. -
Psalm 66.7-end
The Lord is so great and so strong
His power is beyond compare
He rules the sea and the sky
His love and mercy so high
His wonders are everywhere -
Psalm 31.1-5, 15-16
In the Lord I take refuge,
For he is my strong deliverer.
He will cover me with his wings
And keep me safe from all things.
He’ll be my rock and my shield,
He’ll never let me yield.
He’ll be my fortress and my strength,
To keep me safe at any length.
His love will be my guide,
His faithfulness by my side.
He’ll keep me safe from all harm,
And keep me safe from alarm. -
Psalm 1
There once was a man so wise
He wrote of God in the skies
He wrote of his grace
And of his good faith
His words were quite a surprise! -
Psalm 23
A shepherd who leads me with care
His rod and his staff I must bear
He guides me to pastures of green
I’ll never go hungry, I’ve seen
His goodness and mercy will be there