Category: Psalm
Psalm 119.9-16
A life of God’s law I do seek
I plead for His blessings each week
His statutes to me, He will teach
His word my heart does beseech
For His judgments, I stand so meek -
Psalm 96.1-9
Sing to the Lord a new song,
Let all the earth in His praise join along.
Declare His glory among the nations,
His wondrous works and His creations.
For great is the Lord and greatly to be praised,
More than all gods be exalted and raised. -
Psalm 19.1-2
The heavens declare the glory of God
In skies above us, His works applaud
The firmament speaks out loud
To bring us to a bowed crowd
To praise Him who is ever-so-awed -
Psalm 80.9-17
There once was a Lord who did reign
O’er the land with His mighty hand
He had faith in His flock
And so He did not mock
For they were His most treasured band -
Psalm 25.1-8
To God I raise my hands and pray
That He will show me the way
He is faithful and just
He will never adjust
His promise of mercy each day -
Psalm 145.1-8
I’ll sing of God’s greatness and might
He rules with love and mercy so bright
His kingdom is grand
His works they expand
To Him I will always recite -
Psalm 103.1-13
A blessing of God’s grace and love
It’s a gift from Heaven above
His mercy is sure
His kindness so pure
He forgives us all our sins we shove -
Psalm 119.33-40
There once was a man who did pray
To seek out God’s law each day
He found the right way
To live life and stay
By following His commands, hooray! -
Psalm 26.1-8
There once was a man who said, “I
Will seek out the Lord and not lie
I’ll stand in His courts with my heart pure
My hands free of sin I’m sure
So God will declare me not guilty -
Psalm 19
There once was a man in distress
He prayed to the Lord for success
The Lord said, “My son
You’ll be victorious, you’ll have won!”
His faith now restored, he felt blessed.