Category: Matthew

  • Matthew 13.31-33

    Image generated by AI from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of A tiny mustard seed grows into a vast tree, while yeast transforms flour into a fluffy bread, showing immense potential.'

    In a garden, a seed was sown small,
    With potential to rise and stand tall.
    It grew into a tree,
    Where birds found their glee,
    A haven for all, great and small.

    A pinch of yeast mixed in the dough,
    Transforms it with warmth, watch it grow.
    A little can spread wide,
    Bringing joy far and wide,
    As life’s wonders continue to flow.

  • Matthew 13.3-8

    Image generated by AI from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of A sower scatters seeds across diverse soils; some flourish, while others struggle, illustrating varied responses to life’s opportunities and growth.'

    A sower once scattered his seeds,
    On paths, in the rocks, and in weeds.
    Some thrived in the sun,
    While others were done,
    Yet some bore a crop that exceeds!

  • Matthew 18.12-14

    Image generated by AI from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of A shepherd joyfully searches rugged hills, abandoning the flock, eyes bright with hope, seeking the one lost sheep to embrace.'

    In a flock where the sheep roam so free,
    One wandered off, lost at sea.
    The shepherd took flight,
    Through the dark of the night,
    To bring back that lamb joyfully.

  • Matthew 5.3-9

    Image generated by AI from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of A serene landscape with a gentle rain, leading to a peaceful horizon filled with hope and unity.'

    There once was a sermon so wise
    That spoke of the meek and the prize
    Blessed are those who mourn
    And the peacemakers born
    For they shall inherit the skies

  • Matthew 6.25-34

    Image generated by AI from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of A colorful garden with birds, lilies, and a figure in prayer, surrounded by words of comfort and reassurance.'

    There once was a verse that did say
    Don’t worry about things day to day
    God will provide
    So just let it slide
    And trust in Him, come what may

  • Matthew 9.1-8

    Image generated by AI from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of A paralyzed man lowered through the roof by friends is healed by Jesus, who forgives his sins.'

    There once was a man who was paralyzed
    His friends brought him to Jesus, surprised
    He said, “Take heart, son,
    Your sins are undone”
    And the man got up and was revitalized

  • Matthew 2.1-12

    Image generated from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of Wise men, camel caravan, following star, bearing gifts, bowing to child king in humble adoration.'

    In a land to the east, wise men did roam
    Following a star, they left their home
    They sought a king
    With gifts to bring
    And found the baby in Bethlehem’s dome

  • Matthew 2.1-4

    Image generated by AI from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of Three wise men following a bright star, seeking the newborn King in Jerusalem, causing King Herod to be troubled.'

    In the East, wise men saw a star,
    And traveled from lands afar.
    They sought the new king,
    With gifts they did bring,
    To honor the child from afar.

  • Matthew 25.31-end

    Image generated by AI from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of Jesus sitting on a throne, separating sheep and goats, welcoming the righteous and condemning the wicked.'

    There once was a king on his throne
    Who judged all the nations alone
    He separated the sheep
    From the goats in a heap
    And welcomed the righteous back home

  • Matthew 24.1-30

    Image generated from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of  Jesus stands on a hilltop surrounded by his apostles, warning of war and disaster to come.'

    There once was a man from Galilee,
    Who said the end times soon would be.
    He told of a sign,
    Which would come in due time,
    When the Son of Man will be seen.