Category: Mark

  • Mark 13.1-8

    Image generated from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of Jesus gazes at an ornate temple, foretelling upheaval and change, sparking curiosity among his followers about future events and signs.'

    In a city of stones, proud and tall,
    A disciple did gaze at it all.
    But a warning was clear,
    Of the end drawing near,
    As false signs and great troubles befall.

  • Mark 1.14-20

    Image generated from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of Jesus walks by the Sea of Galilee, calling fishermen to leave their nets and follow Him into a new life.'

    In Galilee’s shores by the sea,
    A call rang out, clear as can be.
    With nets in their hands,
    They left all their plans,
    To follow the One who set free.

  • Mark 10.46-end

    Image generated from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of A blind man, Bartimaeus, shouts for Jesus, receiving healing and sight amidst a crowd, joyfully following the path of faith.'

    In a town where the blind man would cry,
    With faith in his heart, he reached high.
    He called out for grace,
    And found his own place,
    As sight filled his world—oh, how he’d fly!

  • Mark 10.2-16

    Image generated from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of Pharisees questioned Jesus about marriage; He welcomed children, embracing their innocence, teaching love and acceptance in a vibrant scene.'

    In a land where the crowds gathered near,
    With questions on love, loud and clear,
    He spoke of the bond,
    That no one should abscond,
    And welcomed the children with cheer.

  • Mark 9.30-37

    Image generated from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of Jesus shares wisdom with His disciples, illustrating humility by welcoming a child, teaching that greatness lies in serving others selflessly.'

    In a town where the whispers did flow,
    The disciples were puzzled, you know.
    They argued in vain,
    Who’s greatest? The claim,
    But a child taught them all with a glow.

    With humility’s grace, they were shown,
    That the least among us has grown.
    To welcome the small,
    Is to honor the call,
    In the kingdom, true love is our throne.

  • Mark 8.27-end

    Image generated from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of In a serene landscape, Jesus questions His followers, revealing identities and purpose, guiding them toward a path of profound understanding.'

    In a town where the whispers ran deep,
    A question stirred thoughts from their sleep.
    “Who do you say I am?”
    With a voice like a lamb,
    He revealed truths that made hearts leap.

    Then spoke of a path hard to tread,
    Of suffering, cross, and dread.
    Yet those who would follow,
    Through joy and through hollow,
    Would find life in the words that He said.

  • Mark 7.24-end

    Image generated from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of A woman's persistent faith gains healing for her daughter, overcoming barriers and receiving Christ's love and mercy.'

    There once was a woman in need
    Her daughter was sick, she did plead
    She sought out the Lord
    And her faith was restored
    For her daughter was healed indeed

  • Mark 7.1-8, 14-15, 21-23

    Image generated from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of Religious leaders criticize Jesus, but he explains that inner evil defiles a person, not external actions.'

    There once was a group of men
    Who questioned the ways of sin
    But Jesus declared
    It’s not what you wear
    It’s what comes from within.

  • Mark 6.30-34,53-end

    Image generated from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of A crowd gathered as the boat landed on shore, seeking Jesus' guidance and healing, their hope shining through.'

    There once were disciples in need
    Of some rest and a quiet place to feed
    But the crowds they did follow
    And Jesus did not wallow
    He had compassion on them, indeed.

  • Mark 6.14-29

    Image generated from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of King Herod's birthday, daughter dances, Herod promises her anything, she asks for John the Baptist's head on a platter.'

    There once was a king with much power
    Whose stepdaughter danced for an hour
    She pleased him quite well
    So he promised to quell
    Any wish, up to half of his tower