Category: Luke
Luke 13.31-end
A fox in the fields did conspire,
While a prophet faced trials much dire.
With hearts full of woe,
He longed for them so,
Yet they turned from the truth to retire. -
Luke 4.1-13
In the wild, where temptations abound,
A figure in fasting was found.
With three tests to face,
He stood firm in His grace,
And in triumph, true strength did resound. -
Luke 8.22-25
On a boat in a tempest so wild,
The disciples were anxious and riled.
But their Master stood tall,
Calmed the storm with a call,
And their fears were suddenly filed. -
Luke 6.17-26
In a crowd where the hopeful convene,
He spoke of the blessings unseen.
“Blessed are those who weep,
For their joy they will reap,
And the humble shall rise like a dream.”
But woe to the proud and the vain,
Who seek only fortune and gain.
For their laughter will fade,
In the shadows they’ve made,
While the meek find true peace in the pain. -
Luke 5.1-11
By the shore where the fishermen toiled,
With nets cast wide, their hopes almost spoiled,
A voice called from the sea,
“Come and follow me,”
And their lives in new purpose were coiled. -
Luke 22-40
In a garden where shadows grew deep,
A man knelt in sorrowful weep.
He prayed through the night,
For strength to do right,
While his friends fell asleep in their sleep. -
Luke 4.14-21
In a town where the scrolls were unfurled,
A message of hope was revealed,
With words that brought light,
And set wrongs to right,
The promise of freedom unsealed. -
Luke 3.15-17,21-22
In the wild, where the people would flock,
A prophet spoke truths that would rock.
With waters he’d cleanse,
And hearts he’d amend,
As skies opened wide with a shock.
The Spirit descended like dove,
A voice from above spoke of love.
“Beloved,” it said,
“To you I am wed,”
In grace, we’re all called from above. -
Luke 2.41-end
In a town where the young boy did roam,
He puzzled the wise far from home.
In the temple he’d stay,
With questions at play,
While his parents searched high, filled with foam.
When they found him, their hearts filled with cheer,
He spoke of the things they should hear.
“Don’t you know I must be,
In my Father’s decree?”
With wisdom that left them in fear. -
Luke 2.10-14
In a field where the shepherds did dwell,
A bright star brought news they could tell.
“Fear not,” sang the choir,
“Joy and peace now inspire,
For a Savior is born—oh, what swell!”