Category: Isaiah

  • Isaiah 53.4-end

    Image generated by AI from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of A gentle figure bears a heavy burden, surrounded by shadows, offering hope and healing to the weary with unwavering strength.'

    In shadows where sorrow does tread,
    A figure of grace softly bled.
    He bore all our pain,
    Through loss and disdain,
    With love that would never be shed.

    Rejected, He walked on alone,
    Yet healing through Him would be known.
    For each tear and each strife,
    He offered new life,
    In heartache, His mercy was shown.

    Like sheep who have wandered astray,
    We turned from the light of the day.
    But through His great plight,
    We find hope in the night,
    And peace in His gentle array.

  • Isaiah 35.4-7a

    Image generated by AI from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of A comforting presence guides and strengthens those in need, bringing joy and renewal to a desolate land.'

    There once was a promise divine
    To those with weak hands and knees to incline
    They would be strengthened and healed
    Their fears and sorrows repealed
    For in the desert, streams will shine

  • Isaiah 25.6-9

    Image generated from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of A banquet on a mountain for all people, wiping away tears, removing disgrace, and death swallowed up forever.'

    On this mountain, a feast will be spread
    For all people, both living and dead
    The Lord will wipe away tears
    And remove all our fears
    As we rejoice in the salvation he’s led

  • Isaiah 15.13-53

    Image generated by AI from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of A man carrying a heavy burden, walking through a dark, stormy forest, with a light shining in the distance.'

    There was a man who suffered and bled
    For the sins of the world, it is said
    He was wounded and bruised
    But his death was good news
    For through him, our salvation was spread

  • Isaiah 50.4-9a

    Image generated by AI from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of A servant listening, teaching, being opposed but not giving up, confident in God's help.'

    There’s a passage that speaks of my plight
    And the suffering I face day and night
    But I trust in the Lord
    And His help is assured
    He will vindicate me in His sight

  • Isaiah 60.1-6

    Image generated by AI from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of Radiant light illuminates darkness as kings and nations come to the glory of God, bearing lavish gifts.'

    Arise, shine, for your light has come
    The glory of the Lord shines on everyone
    Nations will come to your light
    Kings to the brightness so bright
    Lift up your eyes and see what’s begun

  • Isaiah 61.10-62.3

    Image generated from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of Dressed in radiance, joyful as a bride, shining with praise, like a crown and a royal diadem.'

    There once was a promise so grand
    Of joy and salvation in the land
    The Lord will rejoice
    And His people’s voice
    Will be heard throughout all the land

  • Isaiah 52.7-10

    Image generated by AI from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of A messenger runs across the mountains, announcing peace and salvation, while all creation rejoices in praise.'

    There once was a message of peace
    That brought hope and joy without cease
    It spoke of salvation
    And God’s revelation
    Bringing good news that will never decrease

  • Isaiah 61.1-4, 8-end

    Image generated by AI from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of A figure in royal robes proclaims freedom, comfort, and restoration for the broken, like oaks of righteousness.'

    There once was a message of hope
    For the brokenhearted to cope
    To proclaim freedom’s release
    And bring comfort and peace
    For those who had given up hope.

  • Isaiah 40.1-11

    Image generated from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of A shepherd tenderly carrying and guiding his flock, lifting the weary and leading with gentle care.'

    Comfort, O comfort my people
    Speak tenderly to them, don’t be feeble
    Prepare the way for the Lord
    Make straight paths, in one accord
    For His glory will be revealed, oh so regal