Category: Ezekiel

  • Ezekiel 2.1-5

    Image generated by AI from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of A figure with a firm stance, holding a scroll, faces a rebellious people in a desolate land.'

    In a vision, I saw a great hand
    That told me to rise and to stand
    With a message to share
    To those who would hear
    And to speak as the Lord had planned

  • Ezekiel 17.22-end

    Image generated by AI from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of A grand and lush tree rising high, offering shade and shelter to all creatures in its branches.'

    There once was a tree so grand
    With branches that reached the land
    Birds made their nest
    And people were blessed
    By the shade and fruit so grand

  • Ezekiel 34.11-24

    Image generated by AI from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of The Lord as a shepherd gathering his scattered flock, tending to the weak and injured, ruling with justice.'

    There once was a shepherd so kind,
    Who sought out his lost sheep to find.
    He led them with care,
    And kept them from despair,
    Giving them rest and peace of mind.

  • Ezekiel 18.1-4, 25-end

    Image generated by AI from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of God holds every person responsible for their own choices; no one else can bear the consequences.'

    A great lesson for us to learn
    Is that each of us has our turn
    To choose between good and bad
    And make sure we don’t go mad
    For the Lord will judge what we earn

  • Ezekiel 33.7-11

    Image generated by AI from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of Vivid image of a watchman atop the walls, announcing danger until everyone heeds the warning and turns away.'

    A watchman’s job is not a fun game
    For if he does not sound the alarm
    The people will die
    But the Lord will pass by
    And judge the watchman for his calm

  • Ezekiel 37.1-14

    Dead, dry bones coming to life, becoming an army of the Lord, a vision of hope and renewal.

    The Lord spoke to me, it was grand
    He said, “Take a vision in hand”
    A valley of dry bones,
    I saw, and it moans
    A new life, the Lord did command!