Acts 3.12-19

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Image generated by AI from Dall.e prompt ‘An expressive oil painting of A man stands in awe, holding out his hands. A crowd stares, listening intently as he speaks passionately.’


There once was a man who was lame
But Peter and John, in Jesus’ name
Told him to rise up and walk
And to repent and not mock
For the Lord’s mercy is not just a game

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Potential actions to take in response

One practical way to respond to the teaching of Acts 3.12-19 is to reflect on how you can make positive changes in your life. This passage talks about repentance, which simply means turning away from things that are harmful or hurtful and choosing a different path. Take some time to think about any negative habits or behaviors that you would like to change, and consider what steps you can take to make those changes. It could be something as simple as being more patient with others, taking better care of your health, or being more mindful of your words and actions. By making small but meaningful changes in your life, you can experience personal growth and contribute to creating a more positive and peaceful world around you.

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Related passages

Themes: Repentance, healing through faith in Jesus, God’s mercy, proclaiming the gospel.

Related passages:
1. Luke 13:3 – Repentance is necessary for salvation.
2. Mark 1:15 – Jesus calls for repentance and belief in the gospel.
3. Romans 2:4 – God’s kindness leads to repentance.

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