Matthew 2.1-4

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Image generated by AI from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of Three wise men following a bright star, seeking the newborn King in Jerusalem, causing King Herod to be troubled.'

Image generated by AI from Dall.e prompt ‘An expressive oil painting of Three wise men following a bright star, seeking the newborn King in Jerusalem, causing King Herod to be troubled.’


In the East, wise men saw a star,
And traveled from lands afar.
They sought the new king,
With gifts they did bring,
To honor the child from afar.

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Potential actions to take in response

One practical way to respond to the teaching of Matthew 2:1-4 is to be open and attentive to the signs and guidance that God may be sending into our lives. Just as the wise men were led by a star to find Jesus, we should also seek to discern and follow the leading of God in our own lives.

This can involve prayerfully seeking God’s direction, being open to the counsel of others, and being willing to step out in faith even when the path ahead may not be entirely clear. It also means being intentional about studying and understanding the scriptures, so that we can recognize when God is speaking to us through them.

Additionally, we can also respond to this teaching by actively seeking out opportunities to worship and honor Jesus, just as the wise men did when they presented him with gifts. This could include participating in corporate worship, serving others in Jesus’ name, and living lives that reflect his love and grace to those around us.

Ultimately, responding to this teaching involves being willing to follow God’s leading wherever it may take us, and living lives that testify to the reality of Jesus’ presence and lordship in our lives.

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Related passages

Themes: The visit of the Magi, Jesus as King, Herod’s fear, fulfillment of prophecy.

Related passages:
1. Isaiah 60:3 – The prophecy of nations coming to the light of God, fulfilled in the Magi seeking Jesus.
2. Micah 5:2 – Prophecy of a ruler coming from Bethlehem, fulfilled in the birth of Jesus.
3. Psalm 72:10-11 – Kings bringing gifts to the Messiah, fulfilled in the Magi presenting gifts to Jesus.

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