Revelation 1.10-18

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Image generated by AI from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of The Lord shines brilliantly like the sun; a voice like rushing waters speaks with authority.'

Image generated by AI from Dall.e prompt ‘An expressive oil painting of The Lord shines brilliantly like the sun; a voice like rushing waters speaks with authority.’


I heard a voice that shook the air
Like thunder, loud and grand
It said to me, “Write what I say
In letters made of sand”

I saw seven golden candlesticks
And one who held them all
His eyes like flames of fire, his face
As white as snowflakes fall

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Potential actions to take in response

Revelation 1.10-18 is a reminder to us of God’s sovereignty and power over all things. It is an example of how God can take what we think is impossible and make it possible. We should respond to this passage by recognizing that God is in control, even when our lives feel out of control. We should also remember that no matter how bad our situation may be, God is always with us. We need to be willing to trust in Him and turn to Him for strength and guidance during times of difficulty. In order to apply this teaching practically, we can strive to focus on God’s goodness and mercy during difficult times. When we are struggling, we can pray and ask God for help and strength to get through it. We can also seek out resources such as spiritual mentors and books that can help us grow closer to God. Finally, we can use our own life experiences to help others who may be facing similar struggles.

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Related passages

Themes: God is sovereign, Jesus is glorified and worthy of worship.
Bible Passages:
1) Isaiah 6:1-3 – This passage shows the glory of God and how He is to be worshipped as the Lord of Hosts.
2) John 1:1-5 – This passage reveals Jesus as the Word made flesh, showing His divinity and worthiness of worship.
3) Hebrews 4:12-13 – This passage emphasises the power of God’s word and His sovereignty over all things.

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