Mark 2.1-12

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Image generated by AI from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of Jesus, a crowd of onlookers - miracles of healing seen: man borne in, paralysed from birth, his sins forgiven, power seen over the immovable.'

Image generated by AI from Dall.e prompt ‘An expressive oil painting of Jesus, a crowd of onlookers – miracles of healing seen: man borne in, paralysed from birth, his sins forgiven, power seen over the immovable.’


A man was afflicted with a disease
His friends they knew not what to please
They had to make a hole
In the roof of his soul
For Jesus to come and give him ease

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Potential actions to take in response

One practical way to respond to the teaching of Bible passage Mark 2.1-12 is to remember that Jesus embraces and loves all people regardless of their background, gender, physical ability, or any other difference. Jesus’s mission was to spread love and acceptance, and this story provides a powerful reminder of this truth. We can live out this teaching by treating everyone with respect and kindness, seeking to understand those who are different from us, and recognizing the value in every person we meet. It is also important to remember that Jesus teaches us to serve others and to practice forgiveness. By doing these things, we can be a living example of the love and grace that Jesus calls us to share.

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Related passages

Themes of Mark 2.1-12: Jesus’ authority, healing power and compassion for sinners. Related bible passages: Matthew 9.2-8 (Jesus forgiving a paralyzed man’s sins); John 5.1-9 (Jesus healing a man at the pool of Bethesda); Luke 7.36-50 (Jesus forgiving a woman’s sins).

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