Matthew 9.35-10.8

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Image generated from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of Jesus preaches and heals multitudes throughout Galilee, inspiring a wave of hope amongst the people.' in 8.0923690795898 seconds, which in turn was generated by the text-davinci-003 model from OpenAI

Image generated from Dall.e prompt ‘An expressive oil painting of Jesus preaches and heals multitudes throughout Galilee, inspiring a wave of hope amongst the people.’ in 8.0923690795898 seconds, which in turn was generated by the text-davinci-003 model from OpenAI


A man who was filled with some woe
He saw crowds and his heart did glow
He said to his men
“Let us go again
To preach the good news where e’er we go”

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Potential actions to take in response

One practical way to respond to the teachings of Matthew 9.35-10.8 is to be a witness for Christ and help those in need. Jesus calls his disciples to “go out to the whole world and proclaim the good news to all creation” (Mark 16:15). We can do this by sharing the gospel with people and helping them with physical needs as well. Jesus tells his disciples to “cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, drive out demons” (Matthew 10:8). This could be done by providing medical aid to those in need, volunteering at a soup kitchen, or raising awareness about poverty and other social issues. We can also show the love of Christ by welcoming strangers, listening to those who are hurting, and being a friend to those who are lonely. By doing these things, we can help to fulfill the mission Jesus gave to his disciples, and be a witness for Christ.

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Related passages

The themes of Matthew 9.35-10.8 are compassion, mission, and authority.
Luke 10:2-3 – Jesus sends out the seventy-two, showing his authority to send them on mission.
John 20:21 – Jesus gives the disciples authority to forgive sins, demonstrating his compassion.
Matthew 28:18-20 – Jesus commissions his disciples to go and make disciples, showing his missional heart.

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