Matthew 25.14-end of 27 (Matthew 27.11-54)

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Servants with one talent stand as Jesus is condemned, cursed and crucified as onlookers weep.


A man named Jesus, of Nazareth,
Was given a trial, they did not forget
The people all shouted, “Crucify!”
The cross was then carried, up Calvary’s hill
Where Jesus died, His death was to fulfill

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Potential actions to take in response

1. As the passage focuses on servanthood, one way to take action is to look for opportunities to serve others in our local community. This could include volunteering at a local food pantry, visiting the elderly, or helping out with a community project. This action would be in line with the idea of being a “good and faithful servant” as described in the passage.

2. Another action to take in response to Matthew 25.14-27 is to strive for justice in our own lives. This could include fighting for fair wages, working towards equality, or speaking out against injustice. This is in keeping with the idea of giving everyone what is owed to them in the passage.

3. Lastly, a great way to take action in response to Matthew 25.14-27 is to show love and compassion to those around us. This could include providing emotional support to those in need, offering a listening ear to those who are hurting, and giving generously to those without. If we strive to always show love and kindness to those we encounter, we will be living out the message of the passage.

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Related passages

Themes: judgement, responsibility, mercy, justice, faithfulness.

Bible passages:
Romans 14:10-12: All will be judged according to their deeds and will be held accountable for them.

Hebrews 4:12-13: God’s judgement is just and he knows our thoughts and deeds.

James 2:17-18: Faith without works is dead, so our faith must be demonstrated through deeds.

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