Psalm 31.9-16 (31.9-18)

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A vivid image of deep suffering, with eyes burning with tears, struggling against foes, seeking refuge in God.


A man in distress, so forlorn
He cried out to God, so He heard his mourn
He said, “Please show me grace”
His faith was strong, He knew His place
God answered, “You’ll never be scorned”.

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Potential actions to take in response

1. Pray: Take the time to pray over the passage and meditate on the words. Pray for God’s guidance in understanding it, and ask Him to help you apply it to your life.

2. Memorize: Memorize the passage and recite it regularly to keep its message alive in your memory and heart.

3. Live Out the Passage: Think of ways to live out the passage in your everyday life. For example, Psalm 31:16 tells us to “be of good courage” in the face of adversity. This could mean standing up for what’s right in a difficult situation, or finding strength to keep going when it feels like giving up.

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Related passages

Themes: God is a refuge, trusting in Him brings salvation, and He is faithful.
Psalm 18:2: God is a fortress and a shield; He is the one who saves. Related because it shows God’s protection and strength.
Isaiah 25:4: For You have been a refuge for the poor, a refuge for the needy in their distress, a shelter from the storm and a shade from the heat. Related because it highlights God’s sheltering and caring nature.
Psalm 112:7: They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord. Related because it emphasises the importance of trusting in the Lord for salvation.

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