Psalm 90.12-end

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Image generated from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of Teach us to cherish our days, that we may embrace wisdom and grace, finding purpose in each fleeting moment.'

Image generated from Dall.e prompt ‘An expressive oil painting of Teach us to cherish our days, that we may embrace wisdom and grace, finding purpose in each fleeting moment.’


In the span of our days, we must see,
How fleeting our moments can be.
With wisdom, we strive,
To cherish and thrive,
And seek joy in each breath, wild and free.

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Potential actions to take in response

Psalm 90:12 encourages reflection on the brevity of life and the importance of using our time wisely. One practical way to respond to this teaching is by setting aside dedicated time for self-reflection. You might choose to journal about how you currently spend your days, identifying what activities bring you joy and fulfillment versus those that feel unproductive or draining.

After reflecting, create a list of goals or experiences you want to prioritize in your life. These could range from personal development, such as learning a new skill, to spending more quality time with loved ones or engaging in community service. By consciously choosing to focus on what truly matters to you, you can make more intentional decisions about how to allocate your time, ensuring that you live in a way that aligns with your values and aspirations. This approach not only honors the wisdom of the Psalm but also enriches your life experience.

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Related passages

**Summary of Themes (Psalm 90:12-end):**
The brevity of life, the importance of wisdom, God’s eternal nature, and seeking His favor for meaningful existence.

**Related Bible Passages:**

1. **James 4:14**
Life is transient like a mist; this echoes Psalm 90’s theme of life’s brevity and the need for wise living.

2. **Ecclesiastes 3:1-2**
There is a time for everything, emphasizing the importance of recognizing life’s seasons, similar to Psalm 90’s reflections on mortality.

3. **Proverbs 9:10**
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, aligning with Psalm 90’s call for wisdom in understanding our days.

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