Isaiah 35.4-7a

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Image generated by AI from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of A comforting presence guides and strengthens those in need, bringing joy and renewal to a desolate land.'

Image generated by AI from Dall.e prompt ‘An expressive oil painting of A comforting presence guides and strengthens those in need, bringing joy and renewal to a desolate land.’


There once was a promise divine
To those with weak hands and knees to incline
They would be strengthened and healed
Their fears and sorrows repealed
For in the desert, streams will shine

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Potential actions to take in response

One practical way to respond to the teaching of Isaiah 35:4-7a is by practicing kindness and compassion towards others. This passage talks about making the weak strong and the fearful courageous, which can be applied in our daily lives by reaching out to those who are struggling and offering them support and encouragement.

Another practical response could be to actively seek out opportunities to bring joy and hope to those around us. Whether it’s through small acts of kindness, words of encouragement, or simply being a positive presence in someone’s life, we can embody the message of this passage by spreading positivity and optimism.

Additionally, we can also strive to be peacemakers in our relationships and communities, seeking to resolve conflicts and promote harmony. This can involve listening to others with empathy, seeking understanding, and working towards reconciliation.

Overall, responding to the teaching of Isaiah 35:4-7a can be as simple as actively living out the values of kindness, compassion, joy, hope, and peace in our everyday interactions with others.

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Related passages

Themes: Encouragement, strength, fear not, God’s salvation, healing, restoration, joy, transformation, redemption, righteousness, holiness, God’s glory.

Related passages:
1. Isaiah 41:10 – God strengthens and helps, assuring us not to fear.
2. Psalm 103:3 – God heals all our diseases and redeems our lives from destruction.
3. Romans 8:18 – Present suffering is nothing compared to the future glory that will be revealed.

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