Mark 10.13.16

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Image generated by AI from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of Jesus surrounded by children, embracing them with love and kindness, while the disciples watch in awe and admiration.'

Image generated by AI from Dall.e prompt ‘An expressive oil painting of Jesus surrounded by children, embracing them with love and kindness, while the disciples watch in awe and admiration.’


There once was a man who did say
“Let the children come to me, don’t turn away”
For the kingdom of God
Belongs to those who are flawed
So let them in, and let them stay

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Potential actions to take in response

One practical way to respond to the teaching of Mark 10:13-16 is to show kindness and compassion to children in our everyday interactions. This can be done by actively listening to them, engaging in activities they enjoy, and being patient with their needs and emotions.

Another practical way is to advocate for the well-being and rights of children in your community or society. This can involve supporting organizations that work towards improving the lives of children, volunteering at a local school or youth center, or speaking up against injustices that affect children.

Additionally, taking the time to understand and empathize with the struggles and challenges that children face can lead to more compassionate and understanding interactions with them. This can involve educating oneself about issues such as poverty, abuse, or lack of access to education and resources that impact children globally.

Ultimately, responding to the teaching of Mark 10:13-16 involves actively showing care and consideration for children in practical ways that make a positive impact in their lives.

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Related passages

Themes: Children welcomed by Jesus, importance of childlike faith, humility, and the kingdom of God.

Related passages:
1. Matthew 18:3 – Jesus teaches about the necessity of becoming like children to enter the kingdom of heaven.
2. Luke 18:17 – Jesus emphasizes the importance of receiving the kingdom of God like a little child.
3. Mark 9:33-37 – Jesus teaches about the need for humility by welcoming a child and emphasizing servant leadership.

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