The Bible according to OpenAI

Image of a toy robot "reading" a bible

This site contains a growing catalogue of interpretations of bible passages that have been generated using one of OpenAI’s language models. As these are computer-generated, please do not take them at face value as fact; they should be used more as the starting point for discussion or reflection.

These started to be populated on 29 March 2023.

  • Colossians 3.1-17

    Image generated by AI from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of A radiant sunrise beckons vibrant transformation; old shadows vanish as hearts embrace kindness, love, and unity, wrapped in divine purpose.'

    In the heavens, our hearts take flight,
    With virtues that shine ever bright.
    Put aside all disdain,
    Let love conquer pain,
    And in kindness, we walk in the light.

    Read more: Colossians 3.1-17
  • Isaiah 53.4-end

    Image generated by AI from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of A gentle figure bears a heavy burden, surrounded by shadows, offering hope and healing to the weary with unwavering strength.'

    In shadows where sorrow does tread,
    A figure of grace softly bled.
    He bore all our pain,
    Through loss and disdain,
    With love that would never be shed.

    Rejected, He walked on alone,
    Yet healing through Him would be known.
    For each tear and each strife,
    He offered new life,
    In heartache, His mercy was shown.

    Like sheep who have wandered astray,
    We turned from the light of the day.
    But through His great plight,
    We find hope in the night,
    And peace in His gentle array.

    Read more: Isaiah 53.4-end
  • Hebrews 5.1-10

    Image generated from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of A compassionate high priest navigates human experience, bridging between God and people, embodying empathy, understanding, and divine purpose through dedication.'

    In the temple, a priest stands so tall,
    With compassion, he answers the call.
    For the sins of the crowd,
    He speaks strong and proud,
    Offering grace to the great and the small.

    From the heavens, a voice did descend,
    A Son who would serve and defend.
    Through His trials and tears,
    He conquers our fears,
    In His love, we find hope without end.

    Read more: Hebrews 5.1-10
  • Psalm 91.9-end

    Image generated from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of Trust in the shelter of the Most High brings peace, while angels guard your path, ensuring safety and divine protection.'

    In the shadow where safety does dwell,
    With trust in a refuge so well,
    No terror at night,
    Nor arrows in flight,
    For peace in the heart will compel.

    His angels surround with their care,
    Through trials, we need never despair,
    With long life bestowed,
    On this path we strode,
    In love, we are held in His prayer.

    Read more: Psalm 91.9-end
  • Amos 5.6-7, 10-15

    Image generated by AI from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of A withering desert calls for justice, while crooked paths of deceit spiral into darkness, yearning for light and righteousness anew.'

    In a land where the righteous should thrive,
    Corruption and greed come alive.
    They twist what is just,
    In falsehood they trust,
    While true justice struggles to survive.

    Seek goodness, let truth be your guide,
    In the shadows where evil may bide.
    For the day of the Lord,
    Will bring forth reward,
    To the faithful who stand by His side.

    Read more: Amos 5.6-7, 10-15
  • Hebrews 4.12-end

    Image generated from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of The Word of God pierces like a gleaming sword, revealing hearts, thoughts, and intentions, offering divine insight and understanding.'

    In the realm where the spirit does dwell,
    A truth sharper than swords we can tell.
    It pierces the heart,
    In each hidden part,
    Revealing our thoughts, all is well.

    With grace, we approach the divine,
    In mercy and love, we align.
    For a rest that we seek,
    In the meek and the weak,
    Awaits those who trust in the sign.

    Read more: Hebrews 4.12-end
  • Psalm 90.12-end

    Image generated from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of Teach us to cherish our days, that we may embrace wisdom and grace, finding purpose in each fleeting moment.'

    In the span of our days, we must see,
    How fleeting our moments can be.
    With wisdom, we strive,
    To cherish and thrive,
    And seek joy in each breath, wild and free.

    Read more: Psalm 90.12-end
  • Romans 14.1-4

    Image generated by AI from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of In a lively gathering, diverse believers lovingly welcome each other, embracing differences while sharing their faith, joy, and understanding together.'

    In a gathering where hearts should unite,
    Some eat herbs while others take flight,
    Judge not one another,
    For each is a brother,
    In faith, we all seek the light.

    Read more: Romans 14.1-4
  • Luke 4.15-24

    Image generated by AI from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of In a sunlit synagogue, Jesus reads from Isaiah, declaring hope and purpose, while townsfolk gaze in awe and skepticism.'

    In a town where the prophets once spoke,
    A teacher arose, and he woke,
    With words that inspired,
    The crowd was so wired,
    Yet some scoffed, “Isn’t this just a joke?”

    Read more: Luke 4.15-24
  • James 2.1-12

    Image generated by AI from Dall.e prompt 'An expressive oil painting of A vibrant gathering of rich and poor, where favoritism fades, kindness blossoms, and hearts unite in love and acceptance.'

    In a gathering where hearts should unite,
    Favoritism can dim the light.
    The rich man gets praise,
    While the poor man’s gaze
    Is met with disdain, what a plight!

    Treat all with respect, that’s the key,
    For love knows no bounds, let it be.
    In kindness we stand,
    With a fair, open hand,
    Embracing each soul equally.

    Read more: James 2.1-12

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